Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Living Lutheran Post: Lutheran Freedom

Some scholars argue that the most significant archeological find of the Reformation happened when they discovered Martin Luther’s toilet.

Calling it his “secret place,” it is thought that Luther did most of his writing while he battled chronic constipation.

While modern science may have been able to cure his reformational angst with pills and tonics, it was fear that paralyzed his bowels.

Luther carried the fear that he would go to hell deeply in his gut.

So when Luther had his breakthrough realization that he was freed in Christ to serve, that there was nothing he could do to screw up the salvation promised to him in his baptism and fulfilled by Christ on the cross, I imagine that the “a ha” came from inside his guts, which started to become unloosed (the literal translation of the Greek word used by Jesus for forgiveness in the Gospels).

Read the rest at: Living Lutheran

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