Thursday, July 2, 2015

Ordination of Asher O'Callaghan

Tonight is the ordination of Asher O'Callaghan in Denver Colorado.  Read more about it here:

Below are some words of love and support from some faithful trans folk celebrating the event.

I walked into St. Paul Lutheran Church in downtown Denver in early 2003 and was immediately welcomed as a beautiful child of God. I was early in my gender transition and was afraid of rejection at every turn, but the people of St. Paul had become an Reconciling in Christ congregation many years before and were delighted to have a transgender Latina as a part of their worshiping community. Over the past decade, I have had the honor and privilege of walking with many other congregations while they discerned their call to be open and welcoming to people in the LGBTQ community. It has been through the work in my home congregation and working with other ELCA congregations throughout the United States that I discerned my call to ordained ministry. I am now a student at Luther Seminary where I am loved for who I am-- a person dedicated to proclaiming the inclusive gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so happy to say that the ELCA has given me a home where I can celebrate my faith in God.

Nicole M. Garcia
Candidate for Ordained Ministry
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Asher, Congratulations! I am delighted for both you and the ELCA.

Transfaith exists because capable transgender leaders are too often asked to stand aside, wait our turn, and take one for the team. So we gather from temples and mosques, from churches and ashrams, from sacred groves and living rooms to honor, to celebrate, to witness the strength of transgender spiritual leadership. On behalf of this community of transgender spiritual leaders, we join now in this time of celebration as Asher's leadership is honored in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.  May the many gifts of Asher's faith and courage continue to open doors and make a way where there once was no way.


Chris Paige
Executive Director
Transfaith™/Interfaith Working Group

I am grateful for this wonderful news of the ordination of the first officially sanctioned Lutheran trans pastor.  I send wishes of peace and hope, perseverance and strength to all of us, people of various traditions in the trans community.  I am grateful for the ways we both find ourselves and our found in and through our traditions, for the beauty & complexity of our narratives
Cameron Partridge
Episcopal Chaplain at Boston University; Lecturer &
Counselor to Episcopal/Anglican Students at Harvard Div School

Nearly nine years ago, when I was ordained, four faithful congregations came together to call me and send me out to serve homeless San Franciscans.  At that time, I could not imagine the church, our world and our health care progressing so quickly towards the justices God promises us, the beautifully, diverse children of God. I hope your ordination inspires others to live authentically, to evolve into their best self and to welcome the diverse lives, loves and bodies into the fullness of the Lutheran church.  I also wish you, Asher, the same generous acceptance and support that I have found at Grace in San Francisco.

Pastor Megan Rohrer
Pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in San Francisco &
Executive Director of the Welcome Ministry

1 comment:

  1. A person who is calling God a liar and stating that God makes mistakes is ordained to preach the Gospel in the ELCA. It is my considered opinion that all these trans people are denying who God made them.
